Our Mission is to grow the Kingdom of Jesus through intentional discipleship and authentic relationship, anchoring deep in the Word.
When we look at the life of Jesus we see that he walked with 12 guys for 3 years.
We want to do the same.
Walk together and follow Jesus together.
Intentional Discipleship.
Our roots begin within our community. The base of everything we are is in our Anchor Groups. Groups of 10-15 searching our their faith, diving deep, while engaging in real, raw, authentic relationships.
Approximately every other month we invite all of our Anchor Groups to gather together in what we call our Community Gathering where we enjoy corporate worship and fellowship together.

We are Michael and Kelly Maves (and family). We are passionate about building community. We believe that deep inside each person is a longing to belong, a desire to be seen and heard. We have seen in our own lives how our growth towards Jesus has been spurred, not by a corporate gathering but instead in the casual conversation with a friend. We believe it is through these intentional communities we can change the atmosphere in our Valley. We invite you to join us as we explore what we believe "the church" was meant to be.